Lisa Noor

full-stack software engineer


Languages ๐Ÿ“ก

JavaScript, Python, HTML5, CSS, SQL, Java, C++

Frameworks ๐Ÿ“ฆ

React, Redux, Express, Flask

Libraries ๐Ÿ•ฎ

WTForms, SQLAlchemy, pandas, chartjs, react-rte

Tools ๐Ÿ”ง

Node.js, Docker, Git, PostgreSQL, Pipenv, Heroku



A personal finance budgeting application.

View Project on Github

Captain's Log

A note taking application.

Captain's Log


Fantasy e-commerce website (Group Project)

Hi there!

Skulllady is my handle ๐Ÿ’€, but you can call me Lisa.

I grew up in the middle east, and after high school, I took a gap year to teach at a primary school as a teacherโ€™s aide. I wanted to learn more about the Global Financial Crisis of โ€˜08, so I majored in Economics and Finance. I financed my undergraduate and graduate studies in Australia, by working as a market and social research interviewer, which helped me hone my communication skills.

As a technical support operator at Ingenico, I resolved both non-technical and technical issues in order to meet the needs of the merchants who used our payment terminals. I learned to troubleshoot technical issues in a high-pressure environment. I would have to find the source of the issue remotely, and guide the merchant or the onsite technician to a resolution. Later in my career, as a management accountant, I identified fraudulent transactions and escalated as much to the partners of the firm. I had to learn forensics accounting on the job in order to gather the evidence required and undo the damage done, which required great attention to detail. I worked alongside detectives and successfully prosecuted the offender.

After I moved to the United States, I took the opportunity to invest in myself and pursue software engineering, something that I have always wanted to dive into. I really enjoyed the little time I had spent dabbling in coding, especially the feeling you get when you finally solve a problem or fix a bug. So, after 12 years of working in multiple industries, I decided to learn programming. I enrolled into App Academy, an online coding bootcamp with less than 4% acceptance rate. A few highlights of my experience include pair-programming with like-minded peers regularly, learning new technologies almost every day, and building four kick-ass full stack applications in less than 6 months.

Over the last year at the App Academy bootcamp, I have fine-tuned my debugging skills, engaged in regular pair programming, exchanged constructive feedback, and built four full-stack projects, using languages and technologies including JavaScript, Python, React, Redux, Express, Flask and Docker.

And yes, that's a chocolate cake shaped like a bat.

I want to thank you for stopping by; please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to connecting with you.

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